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Module fl_server_api.utils

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Benedikt Franke <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Florian Heinrich <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from django.db import models
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, ValidationError as ValidationException
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile
from django.http import HttpRequest
from import Callable
import json
from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
from types import FunctionType, MethodType
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union

_TModel = TypeVar("_TModel", bound=models.Model)

def get_entity(
    cls: Type[_TModel],
    error_message: Optional[str] = None,
    error_identifier: Optional[str] = None,
) -> _TModel:
    Get model instance.

    Try to get a model instance. Similar to `<Model>.objects.get()`.
    But, catch and evaluate all kinds of exceptions which `<Model>.objects.get()` throws,
    combine it and build an response including an error message inside a `HttpResponseBadRequest`
    and throw `EntityNotFoundException` (one single Exception).

        cls (Type[_TModel]): model class where the entity should be found
        error_message (Optional[str], optional): message added to `HttpResponseBadRequest` if an error occurs.
            If `None` a "<Model> <error_identifier> not found." message will be created.
        error_identifier (Optional[str], optional): model identifier or field name for the error message creation
            if an error occurs.
            If `None` the arguments of `<Model>.objects.get()` are searched for "pk" or "id" as fallback.

        ValidationError: If `<Model>.objects.get()` raise any kind of error.

        _TModel: <Model> instance

        def get_user(self, request: HttpRequest, id: int) -> HttpResponseBase:
            user = get_entity(User, pk=id)  # EntityNotFoundException will be handled by middleware
            serializer = UserSerializer(user)
            return Response(
        return cls.objects.get(*args, **kwargs)
    except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValidationException):
        if error_message:
            raise ParseError(error_message)

        if error_identifier is None:
            error_identifier = kwargs.get("pk", kwargs.get("id", None))
        msg = f"{cls.__name__} {error_identifier} not found."
        raise ParseError(msg)

def get_file(
    request: HttpRequest,
    name: str,
    validator: Optional[Callable[[HttpRequest, str, UploadedFile, bytes], Optional[str]]] = None,
) -> bytes:
    Try to get a single uploaded file and optional check it.

        request (HttpRequest): http request where the file should be found
        name (str): name or key of the uploaded file
        validator (Optional[Callable[[HttpRequest, str, UploadedFile, bytes], Optional[str]]]], optional):
            file validation method, returns error message if file is not valid; otherwise `None`
        kwargs: additional validator arguments

        ParseError: If no file was found or validator return error messages.

        bytes: file content
    uploaded_file = request.FILES.get(name)
    if not uploaded_file or not uploaded_file.file:
        raise ParseError(f"No uploaded file '{name}' found.")
    file_content =
    if validator:
        error_message = validator(request, name, uploaded_file, file_content, **kwargs)
        if error_message:
            raise ParseError(error_message)
    return file_content

def is_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray]) -> Any:
    Check if the given argument s is a valid json.

        s (Union[str, bytes, bytearray]): validation objective

        Any: Deserialize object of objective `s` is a valid json; otherwise `False`
        return json.loads(s)
    except ValueError:
        return False

def fullname(cls_or_obj_or_fn: Union[type, object, Callable]) -> str:
    Get full qualified name of class, object or function.

        cls_or_obj_or_fn (Union[type, object, Callable]): Inspection target.

        str: qualified name
    if isinstance(cls_or_obj_or_fn, (type, FunctionType, MethodType)):
        cls = cls_or_obj_or_fn  # class or function
        cls = cls_or_obj_or_fn.__class__  # object

    module = cls.__module__
    # if module == "builtins":  # or module == "__main__":  # NOSONAR: S125
    #     # avoid outputs like "builtins.str"
    #     return cls.__qualname__
    return module + "." + cls.__qualname__



def fullname(
    cls_or_obj_or_fn: Union[type, object,]
) -> str

Get full qualified name of class, object or function.


Name Type Description Default
cls_or_obj_or_fn Union[type, object, Callable] Inspection target. None


Type Description
str qualified name
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def fullname(cls_or_obj_or_fn: Union[type, object, Callable]) -> str:
    Get full qualified name of class, object or function.

        cls_or_obj_or_fn (Union[type, object, Callable]): Inspection target.

        str: qualified name
    if isinstance(cls_or_obj_or_fn, (type, FunctionType, MethodType)):
        cls = cls_or_obj_or_fn  # class or function
        cls = cls_or_obj_or_fn.__class__  # object

    module = cls.__module__
    # if module == "builtins":  # or module == "__main__":  # NOSONAR: S125
    #     # avoid outputs like "builtins.str"
    #     return cls.__qualname__
    return module + "." + cls.__qualname__


def get_entity(
    cls: Type[~_TModel],
    error_message: Optional[str] = None,
    error_identifier: Optional[str] = None,
) -> ~_TModel

Get model instance.

Try to get a model instance. Similar to <Model>.objects.get(). But, catch and evaluate all kinds of exceptions which <Model>.objects.get() throws, combine it and build an response including an error message inside a HttpResponseBadRequest and throw EntityNotFoundException (one single Exception).


Name Type Description Default
cls Type[_TModel] model class where the entity should be found None
error_message Optional[str] message added to HttpResponseBadRequest if an error occurs.
If None a " not found." message will be created.
error_identifier Optional[str] model identifier or field name for the error message creation
if an error occurs.
If None the arguments of <Model>.objects.get() are searched for "pk" or "id" as fallback.


Type Description
_TModel instance


Type Description
ValidationError If <Model>.objects.get() raise any kind of error.
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def get_entity(
    cls: Type[_TModel],
    error_message: Optional[str] = None,
    error_identifier: Optional[str] = None,
) -> _TModel:
    Get model instance.

    Try to get a model instance. Similar to `<Model>.objects.get()`.
    But, catch and evaluate all kinds of exceptions which `<Model>.objects.get()` throws,
    combine it and build an response including an error message inside a `HttpResponseBadRequest`
    and throw `EntityNotFoundException` (one single Exception).

        cls (Type[_TModel]): model class where the entity should be found
        error_message (Optional[str], optional): message added to `HttpResponseBadRequest` if an error occurs.
            If `None` a "<Model> <error_identifier> not found." message will be created.
        error_identifier (Optional[str], optional): model identifier or field name for the error message creation
            if an error occurs.
            If `None` the arguments of `<Model>.objects.get()` are searched for "pk" or "id" as fallback.

        ValidationError: If `<Model>.objects.get()` raise any kind of error.

        _TModel: <Model> instance

        def get_user(self, request: HttpRequest, id: int) -> HttpResponseBase:
            user = get_entity(User, pk=id)  # EntityNotFoundException will be handled by middleware
            serializer = UserSerializer(user)
            return Response(
        return cls.objects.get(*args, **kwargs)
    except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValidationException):
        if error_message:
            raise ParseError(error_message)

        if error_identifier is None:
            error_identifier = kwargs.get("pk", kwargs.get("id", None))
        msg = f"{cls.__name__} {error_identifier} not found."
        raise ParseError(msg)


def get_file(
    request: django.http.request.HttpRequest,
    name: str,
    validator: Optional[[[django.http.request.HttpRequest, str, django.core.files.uploadedfile.UploadedFile, bytes], Optional[str]]] = None,
) -> bytes

Try to get a single uploaded file and optional check it.


Name Type Description Default
request HttpRequest http request where the file should be found None
name str name or key of the uploaded file None
validator Optional[Callable[[HttpRequest, str, UploadedFile, bytes], Optional[str]]]] file validation method, returns error message if file is not valid; otherwise None None
kwargs None additional validator arguments None


Type Description
bytes file content


Type Description
ParseError If no file was found or validator return error messages.
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def get_file(
    request: HttpRequest,
    name: str,
    validator: Optional[Callable[[HttpRequest, str, UploadedFile, bytes], Optional[str]]] = None,
) -> bytes:
    Try to get a single uploaded file and optional check it.

        request (HttpRequest): http request where the file should be found
        name (str): name or key of the uploaded file
        validator (Optional[Callable[[HttpRequest, str, UploadedFile, bytes], Optional[str]]]], optional):
            file validation method, returns error message if file is not valid; otherwise `None`
        kwargs: additional validator arguments

        ParseError: If no file was found or validator return error messages.

        bytes: file content
    uploaded_file = request.FILES.get(name)
    if not uploaded_file or not uploaded_file.file:
        raise ParseError(f"No uploaded file '{name}' found.")
    file_content =
    if validator:
        error_message = validator(request, name, uploaded_file, file_content, **kwargs)
        if error_message:
            raise ParseError(error_message)
    return file_content


def is_json(
    s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray]
) -> Any

Check if the given argument s is a valid json.


Name Type Description Default
s Union[str, bytes, bytearray] validation objective None


Type Description
Any Deserialize object of objective s is a valid json; otherwise False
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def is_json(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray]) -> Any:
    Check if the given argument s is a valid json.

        s (Union[str, bytes, bytearray]): validation objective

        Any: Deserialize object of objective `s` is a valid json; otherwise `False`
        return json.loads(s)
    except ValueError:
        return False